Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Exposing The Right-Wing's "Just War" Lie, Used to Justify Our Invasion of Iraq

President Bush could not have invaded Iraq without the avid support of his Christian right-wing colleagues. They were there in unison declaring that a preemptive military strike against Iraq would meet the biblical criteria of being a "just war". They did not quote any New Testament scripture verses to support their declarations, but just assumed that their conservative, Christian sheep would accept and heed their shepherds' authoritative statements. And, indeed, the vast majority of Christian conservatives wholeheartedly supported our invasion of Iraq, trusting their leaders' wisdom and biblical integrity.

It is time for someone to address this great lie concerning supposed biblical, Christian "just wars". The truth is that there is no New Testament support for this "just war" doctrine advocated by Christian right-wing leaders. Jesus said that we are to love our enemies and do good to them, not bomb and torture them. The Apostle Paul said that we are not to repay anyone evil for evil; moreover, that we are not to avenge ourselves because vengeance is God's, and He will repay. When Peter attempted to use his sword, Jesus told him to put it away because all who use the sword will perish by the sword. And, Jesus stated that His kingdom is not of this world. He said that if His kingdom was of this world, then His servants would fight. However, He then restated that His kingdom is not of this world. Therefore, His servants do not fight.

There is no New Testament support whatsoever for this "just war" spiel. Right-wing, Christian leaders know this, so they refer to wars in the Old Testament that were ordained by God. And, it is true that God did ordain wars for Israel in the Old Testament. However, all of these wars were fought to either acquire, defend or regain the specific piece of land that God had promised to Abraham. God did not ordain wars for Israel to police the world.

America is not fighting in the Middle East to acquire, defend or regain land that God has supernaturally promised to George Bush or any of his right-wing, Christian colleagues. America's recent wars are efforts to police the world, which has no biblical basis or support whatsoever. And, Christian leaders should be fully aware that their claims of biblical support for this "just war" doctrine are false. I encourage my fellow Christian conservatives to stop this "just war" deception. Thousands of brave American soldiers are dead, and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have also perished in this unbiblical war. Enough is enough!

Check out my "You Tube" video at:


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I praise your honesty. I hope your voice gets heard.



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