Thursday, January 31, 2008

Right-Wing Politics and Religion:
The Unholy Alliance Exposed

By Henry Bechthold

What will you find in this book? Greed, sadism, gross financial abuse, blatant dishonesty and hypocrisy within the Christian right-wing. I would know, because I am a conservative, evangelical pastor. And, I am blowing the whistle on my right-wing colleagues.

My book leaves the Christian right-wing no place to run or hide. Their unethical and immoral conduct is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Their infidelity to their God and Bible, which they claim to love and revere, portends certain infidelity to our nation, government and Constitution.

What is specifically exposed in my book? I will share the following "talking points" appetizer regarding Christian right-wing leaders.

"They told you that our secular culture has morally degenerated, and that they have the solutions for its problems. However, they didn't tell you that recent surveys reveal that Christian right-wingers are likewise steeped in moral degeneracy. Pornography and other addictions saturate their ranks, and their divorce rate is actually higher than that of non-Christians. So much for Christian right-wing marriage and family advice. Dobson's "Focus on the Family" organization should probably spend more time focusing on Christian families, and less time scrutinizing on our government's judiciary and legislative branches."

"They have asked our secular society to honor the Ten Commandments by keeping them in our public buildings and monuments. Yet, they have willingly allowed and endorsed the removal of the Ten Commandments from the Christian Church. The new motto for the Christian right-wing should be, do as I say, not as I do."

"They condemn Hollywood for all of its violent entertainment, although they market a violent Christian video game within the Church, "Left Behind Eternal Forces", where Christian kids can blow away the infidels.

"They preach about mercy, grace and love, but they embrace horrific, sadistic torture. You will be shocked to see how distorted and warped is their concept of equitable justice."

"They told you that the gospel is God's free gift of grace. So, why do they employ 1000 to 2000 percent profit margins in their sales of gospel tapes, cd's and videos? Greedy, secular corporations would love to have the Christian Church's profit margins."

"They claim to be following Jesus, who spent His life ministering to the poor and destitute. Then, why are they spending multiplied billions of dollars on huge, ornate buildings with luxurious furnishings, while millions of children die from starvation and millions are homeless? You will be alarmed and disgusted to learn that they have the money to feed every starving child worldwide three meals a day throughout the year, and to build enough homeless shelters to house every homeless person in America. Evidently, " what would Jesus do", is just a catchy slogan to sell more profitable gospel merchandise."

"Their leader, President Bush, is a self-professed Christian who said that Jesus is his hero. Then, why did he kneel before an idol in the temple of another god? He knows that this is forbidden in the Bible for anyone who claims to be a Christian."

As these "talking points" clearly reveal, hypocrisy has become the calling card and earmark of Christian right-wing leaders. And, we've only scratched the surface of what's revealed in "Right-Wing Politics and Religion: The Unholy Alliance Exposed". After reading my book, your view of right-wing Christian leaders will never be the same.

Those exposed include George Bush, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins and others. I have sent complimentary copies of my book to leading conservative pundits, and have repeatedly contacted them in an effort to dialogue. However, there has been no response. Why? Is it because I have factual evidence that they can not refute? I am making a public challenge to twelve of these famous conservative pundits to engage me in a discussion or debate regarding the issues raised in my book and in this blog, anytime and anyplace. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Mike Gallagher, Michelle Malkin, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, Bill Bennett and Mark Levin, will you take up my challenge? If not, the American public now knows why.

My web-page for the book is Books can be ordered at this website at discounted prices. Books are also available at and Barnes & Noble. My E-mail address is My mailing address is, P.O. Box 14, Anoka, Mn, 55303.

Check out my "You Tube" video at:


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Barbara Schulte said...

Kudos to you on revealing the truth about these mega churches. I live close to one of them, and they just spent close to a half a million dollars on a fireworks display. I just sent them an email (under the guise of prayer request) telling them to read your book. When I think of all the time/money/resources spent on building their monstrous church, and producing fancy commercials to lure others into their money-making enterprise, it makes me sick. I am an atheist, and I am astonished to see someone from the Christian community who seems to have some common sense and some common decency. I hope your book sells!!

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for trying to reveal the true story of Christ Jesus. It is so difficult to be a young, true Christian in this day and age. Many young adults, like myself, still enjoy old adages like "love thy enemy" and "thou shall not kill". If we are to show the true message of Jesus, we must stop killing in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Christians must stop favoring war over love.
Many young people do not trust their government, their churches, and the media. Jesus is the only man I trust..and even he is a conspiracy.
Christ Jesus is love.
my favorite site is

peace,love,truth,and 911 justice,

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come the late Jerry Falwell who dosen't like unions rides in a GMC SUV.

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